Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Victory in defeat

Although the tidal wave of Democrat victories in New York State unfortunately included my race in the 34th Senatorial District, we were successful in many ways.

Most importantly, we changed the entire political conversation in New York State, a fact that will bear great importance in the future. When I began my race, I was the only candidate seriously discussing the abolition of failing agencies like the MTA. By the end of the campaign, my original concept had been adopted by many, if not most candidates on both sides of the political divide.

Similarly, while many candidates were discussing a tax cap, I was one of the only candidates to discuss an actual tax reduction. Eventually, many candidates adopted that position.

Throughout this race, many liberal Democrat candidates, including my opponent, pretended to adopt conservative positions. Indeed, this was a general strategy throughout the Democrat party. I intend to monitor those who did so, and expose those who (as expected) once again break their trust with the voters.

My campaign was unique in that in accepted no funds from special interests, and received almost no funds from political parties. Albany must be freed of the stranglehold of vested interests that have bankrupted the state, and made a mockery of democracy. We can, and we must, do better.

I am deeply grateful to all those volunteers who gave so generously of their time and effort. I will never forget their fighting spirit and generosity. I pledge to you that I will continue the noble battle that we began with this campaign.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Only the Issues Matter

In the final days of the campaign, a flurry of glossy mailed cards are being dispatched by the powerful Democrat fund raising machine of my opponent, incumbent State Senator and Deputy Majority Leader Jeff Klein.

This contest is not about expensively designed advertisements, however. It is about the issues, and the utter failure of incumbents, particularly those in positions of power like Jeff Klein, to address them. Here are the most important issues:

•The people of New York are the most overtaxed in the nation. Klein and his fellow leaders have utterly failed to address this at all; instead, they have lied to the voters. One of the biggest lies is that a property tax cap is all that is needed. A cap merely prevents future increases from going over a certain point. What New Yorkers need is a tax cut, not smaller increases.
•Holding every position of power in both the state and the nation, the Democrat leadership has utterly failed to address the runaway spending both in the regular budget and in the budget of "independent" agencies. They have absolutely no excuse for their failure.
•Despite record spending and skyrocketing taxes and fees, our schools, our mass transit, our services are all inadequate and getting worse. Jeff Klein and his fellow leaders have failed to address this--or even slow down the rapid deterioration in the quality of life in our state. Why do they deserve a second chance?
•The wholesale corruption of the state senate leadership has made Albany a symbol of terrible government. Senator Klein's role as the "enforcer" to insure that lobbyists contribute to the Democrat party in return for special access (as descibed by the Democrat leadership itself) leads anyone seeking to reform Albany to ask, why does Senator Klein and his allies deserve another chance?
•The complete contempt shown by Senator Klein for the people when he requested a $50,000 payoff in return for access angered even fellow Democrats. Indeed, even fellow Democrat and former NYC Mayor Ed Koch called for an investigation. Shouldn't the people of the 34th Senatorial district be spared the specter of yet another elected official facing potential indictment?

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Illyria Newspaper Endorses Vernuccio

The Illyria Newspaper, America's only Albanian-American newspaper, has endorsed the candidacy of Frank Vernuccio for the 34th Senatorial District.

Noting that Vernuccio "Has gained the respect of ...Albanian-American activists," the paper stressed the candidates' record.

The support of the hard-working Albanian-American community for a candidate who does not have Albanian roots is the result of Vernuccio's strong stand on ethics, low taxes for individuals, property owners, and small business, as well as his support for the freedom of Kosova.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


The Republican National Hispanic Assembly today endorsed the candidacy of Frank Vernuccio for State Senate in New York's 34th Senatorial District. The endorsement echoes Vernuccio's call for a New York State Government that works for the people, not entrenched politicians. For too long, issues such as the poor quality of public education, high taxes, diminished services by agencies such as the MTA, and the progress of New Yorkers to economic prosperity have been held hostage by entrenched politicians, particularly those in the Democrat Party. "I am deeply grateful for this vital endorsement," Vernuccio stated.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Frightening Fundraiser

It's time to scare Albany's tax and spend, pay to play politicians !

Join our next state senator, Frank Vernuccio, in a frighteningly delightful barbeque at the beautiful (and spooky) home of Ronnie & Joseph Goubeaud, 136 Urban Street, Mt. Vernon, New York on Sunday, October 17, at 3pm. Only $75!


Send checks, made out to Friends of Vernuccio, to: Friends of Vernuccio, 3148 Fairmount Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465. Please include your name, address, and employer/business information,. as required by law.

I look forward to seeing you there!
Frank V. Vernuccio, Jr.
Paid for by Friends of Vernuccio

Thursday, September 30, 2010


The Riverdale Review, one of the most respected newspapers in the region, has endorsed Frank Vernuccio's candidacy for the 34th Senatorial District.

"Frank Vernuccio is a man of great integrity and deep knowledge of this race it is Frank Vernuccio playing the good government role of Fiorello LaGuardia and Jeffrey Klein [the incumbent] epitomizing the morals of Plunkitt of Tammany Hall."

Monday, September 27, 2010


Citing a reelection rate “That closely resembles that of the former Soviet Union,” State Senate Candidate Frank Vernuccio called for the enactment of ethics legislation that would stop the abusive practice by some incumbent legislators of using the taxpayers money for their campaigns. “My opponent, Deputy Majority Leader Klein, has sent out two mailings using taxpayer dollars which masquerade as official business, but which in reality are nothing more than campaign literature. This is an affront to the whole process of fair elections. Further, in this time of financial crisis, it is an excusable waste of scarce funds which could be used for our schools, law enforcement, road repair, and other vital needs. Klein has refused my request to cease this practice; legislation is needed to stop this plundering of the state treasury.”